The Blog

Squarespace Tips, Social Media Tips Dominique Mantelli Squarespace Tips, Social Media Tips Dominique Mantelli

Starting Fresh

I’m starting fresh with blogging! Blogging is NOT dead. I actually think it has a pulse, maybe it has become weak over the years, but I feel it getting stronger. Okay weird analogy, but you get my drift? I want to start up my blog again in 2024 and focus on building content for my brand, but being consistent at it as well. Wish me luck, everyone!

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Reviews Dominique Mantelli Reviews Dominique Mantelli

2022 Goal Setting With My Full Focus Planner

Ahh January, the time to set goals and resolutions for the new year and if you are like everyone else in the world then you probably quit them by March! From all of that, I must credit my Full Focus Planner to being my success on my goal planning for this year.

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