2022 Goal Setting With My Full Focus Planner

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Ahh January, the time to set goals and resolutions for the year.

Well, if you are like most people, then you fall off the resolution wagon fast, like before the end of March fast! I really do feel like this year is going to be different though! I don’t want to discourage myself too much because last year I think I made some great progress in my goals. From all of that I must credit my Full Focus Planner.


Last year I wrote a blog with a full review before I could finish my year with it, but I still stick to my original assessment which is that you need this in your life! Without this planner, my days feel jumbled. Not to say that you can’t use a plane notepad, but when I made just ‘to dos’ for myself daily I still felt like it wasn’t enough.

Before the beginning of the year, I was ready for 2022. I wanted to jump into January with fresh eyes and excitement, but then I got sick. The cold hit me on my backside that I couldn’t even ring in the New Year! Last week I gave myself grace because I was still getting over my cold, so now this week is my ‘new year’. While being sick I had time to reflect on what I wanted my 2022 to look like. I took my new Full Focus Planner for the year and started my end-of-the-quarter pages from 2021, switched over to the new color I bought, and started my annual goals. This year I switched up my planner to this gorgeous nude/blush color, which I feel is on brand and I just love this color aesthetic!


There are obviously many things I love about my Full Focus Planner but I think this year my goals are going to thrive for 2022. Specifically, because I’ll be having quarterly goals, not just annual goals, revisiting them so I can be reminded of what they are, and looking into my big 3 goals for the week and how they can progress towards my main annual goals.


Having Quarterly Goals

Let’s break this down a bit because as I mentioned before I’m planning on having quarterly goals as well as annual goals. On one of the columns provided when completing your annual goals, they give you the prompt to put in the quarter that you want this goal completed. This helps you track the progress over time rather than at the end of the year especially since these planners are quarterly based. Think about it, are you more likely to complete the goal, ‘go to the gym every day in January’ rather than ‘go to the gym every day this week’. Quarterly goals help you see progress and it keeps you on track to completing your annual goal. On the following pages, you can also provide the goal detail. Let me tell you, last year I thought it was pointless to write out the details of the goals you set, but as the year progressed I realized how this could be helpful. Not only seeing your goal written down but listing out your key motivations behind why you want to accomplish this goal and the steps you will take to do it, make such a difference! It puts you in the position to really think about why you are writing that specific goal and how you can achieve it which gets the wheels in your head spinning.


Revisiting Your Goals So You Don’t Forget Them

The next thing I love about using this Full Focus Planner is being able to revisit your goals. There have been plenty of times when I write my goals in a notebook somewhere then forget to ever look at them again. By them being in your planner you can revisit them periodically. The way I like to do this with my planner is if it was a goal that I want to become a habit I try to keep track of it in the goal detail page. Down at the bottom of the page they have a streak tracker to check off the progress of your goal as you go along. The other way I like to revisit my goals is when I do my weekly preview. In Step 3 of their weekly preview they have something called a list sweep and the last point on there is ‘review your annual and/or quarterly goal’. This gives me the chance to look at them again and keep them top of mind. This provides me with reference as to why and how I’m walking into my week to achieve those goals.


Visiting Your Weekly Big 3 & How They Can Help Progress Your Yearly Goals

Similar to my last point is that during your weekly preview you have step 5 which is your weekly big 3 items. This is where you can make advancements towards that goal you set for yourself. This then helps you take those big 3 items into your week to plan which days are the days that you can move towards those annual goals. I like to take my big three and scatter them throughout the week on my daily big 3s. This also brings up that in the planner there are habit goals verses achievement goals. If you are working on a habit it can be good to see where can that habit fit into my weekly schedule. How can you keep moving towards that finish line to create this habit into your everyday like? When you go to do your next weekly preview you can then see again, did your big 3 items align with what you needed to move you towards that goal, achievement or habit? The more you are seeing the goals and keeping them top of mind the more likely you can complete them!


What My Annual & Quarterly Goals

Let’s get onto the fun stuff, what are my goals for 2022?

1)     I want to start working out 5 days a week either on my Peloton app or my Alive by Whitney Simmons app

2)     I have a certain amount of money that I would love to make from my design business

3)     Blog once a week this quarter

4)     Take my final real estate quiz and schedule my test (also if anyone is reading this that has taken to real estate exam I commend you because it is hard!)

5)     Incorporate my daily routines that I have planned here in my Full Focus Planner to consistent habits

6)     Have my mom’s business make a certain amount of income for the year


As you can see these are habit goals, annual goals, and quarterly goals. I like that this planner has really pushed me to think not just about a goal but how can I achieve it, how can that goal be broken down to the step by step method of getting there. Are you feeling overwhelmed with 2022 already and want to bounce ideas off someone or have me help you organize your business plan? From today until February 8th I’m offering hour sessions for only $50 where we can come up with a game plan to kickstart your business or plan it out for 2022.


Looking for a new planner? Check out the Full Focus Planner, as a raving customer for over a year I promise you will love it! And the colors they provide are seriously the cutest.


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