A Personal Resolution List In A New Format, Ins and Outs For 2024

What goals are you setting for yourself in the new year?


Can you believe it is 2024 already?! 

I know you probably hear this so often, but I really can’t believe how fast time has gone by this year! Last year was great and at times not so great, but I do feel like 2024 has something special ahead, which to be honest kinda makes me anxious. But on a happier note, it is the year of my wedding so that has to mean it will be the best year yet, right?! 

All of this being said, I want to prioritize myself this year.

I have a habit of putting others first and then I try to prioritize myself but I don’t think I do a good job at it. This year I want to do more self-care, prioritize my goals/intentions, and maybe even throw in a solo trip somewhere! 

My favorite copywriter Sara from BTL Copy decided to do an in’s and out’s for the year instead of goals and I loved the idea so much, that I decided to make my own list. Her list intrigued me because instead of setting a new habit or goal she opted to talk about the positives and negatives associated with that in or out. It makes you rethink some of your goals to say “this part of the goal I would love to accomplish, this other part though, not so much.


I've been a little behind on starting my goals, vision board, and all of the beginning of the year things so I’m deciding that January is my month to complete all these tasks. 

And let’s be real for a second, you don't need to do all these yearly goals, vision boards, etc., but there is something about the refresh of a new year that gets me in the mood to do all of the extras.

Let’s get into my years in’s and out’s for 2024


Starting to get paid by brands

Posting on YouTube around once a week 

Blogging at least once a month

Getting married 

Working out on a more consistent basis ( I love using the ALIVE by Whitney Simmons- I highly recommend it! And bonus they just added a new trainer who is focusing on pre and postnatal pregnancy workouts) 

Prioritizing me this year

Getting back to my early mornings 

Reading more before bedtime

Cooking new meals in the kitchen

Knowing that everyone had to start from somewhere once before


Working for free 

Not getting down on myself if I don’t accomplish a once-a-week posting goal

Not stressing so much about the actual day of the wedding. Ultimately my marriage comes first and all the other details are just that, details! 

Stopping the negative self-talk that I love to do to myself

Putting a limited belief in myself that I’m not worthy of something

Procrastinating my projects that could propel me forward

Eating out after I just made a weekly menu and bought groceries 

Feeling like my videos or pictures have to be aesthetically pleasing or I can’t post them. 

These are obviously my in’s and out’s and I encourage you to do some reflecting of your own and see what you come up with! I think setting new goals or aspirations for the year really does make a difference. There are goals from last year that took me all year to complete but I’m so freaking proud of myself for prioritizing those goals. 

Before I leave you, I wanted to share with you all my favorite yearly planners!

I’ve been a die-hard Full Focus planner girly ( I used mine for three years in a row) but this year I wanted to switch things up. I decided to invest in the STIL x Kaeli Mae planner because I loved the pocketbook look and I love following Kaeli on social media. Her videos are always so aesthetic to me and I was always obsessed when she used her planner. When I found out that she actually sells the planner she uses in her videos, I thought it would be a fun switch up to my normal one. I’ve only been using it for a month but I’ve enjoyed it so far! 

Happy 2024 everyone!

If you have any questions about the planners, leave me a comment below or send me a message on social media! 


Don’t forget to follow my journey on Instagram!


Starting Fresh