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Squarespace Tips, Social Media Tips Dominique Mantelli Squarespace Tips, Social Media Tips Dominique Mantelli

What Kind Of Content Should You Create For Your New Website?

What kind of content should you create for your new website? Let’s talk about something that is widely asked, “Is blogging dead?” In my opinion no, in Google’s opinion, absolutely not! I will say though that blogging has evolved. If you are about to create your website, consider having one or all of these things ready for your designer. Not only will it help the designer get more content for your website, but it gives you authority.

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Squarespace Tips Dominique Mantelli Squarespace Tips Dominique Mantelli

3 Reasons Why Branding For Your Website Is Important

Why is branding important? Have you ever gone to someone’s Instagram, loved it then went to their website and thought “is this the same person?” Branding is a way to keep things consistent no matter where you are posting your content. It keeps the voice of your product the same and makes an imprint on someone's mind. If you are looking to DIY your website, take these 3 reasons into consideration.

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Squarespace Tips Dominique Mantelli Squarespace Tips Dominique Mantelli

3 Tips On Knowing 'The Why' Behind Your Website Homepage

My favorite question to ask a new client is why they want to build a website. Sure websites are fun and can be exciting to look at, but what is the purpose of them staking their claim in the internet world? Giving your future clients or customers a clear pathway will also provide your site with credibility and structure. What is the purpose of your website?

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Squarespace Tips Dominique Mantelli Squarespace Tips Dominique Mantelli

My 4 Tips On How To Choose Images For Your Future Website

Have you ever gone to a website and you see these beautiful professional photos, but as you scroll down they take forever to load? Or as you start scrolling down they become so pixelated and grainy that you can barely make them out to what they are supposed to be? Today I want to share with you my 4 tips on how to choose images for your future website!

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Social Media Tips, Squarespace Tips Dominique Mantelli Social Media Tips, Squarespace Tips Dominique Mantelli

My Top 3 Tips On Choosing A Domain Name

You are doing a podcast interview and right at the end the host asks you, “so where can people find you?” . Your domain name is an important part of getting your website off the ground. Your business name may explain exactly what your service is so using that name makes more sense for a domain name than your real name. You want to keep in mind though, do you want to be know as a brand or as the person behind the brand?

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