More To Come, Wait And See. . .

I can’t believe I’m writing a blog. The one thing I told my mom I would NEVER do because she does it, but here we are! I wanted to start this website to showcase the ‘googlers’, the SEO searchers, the late-night questioners. During the past year of working with Phylis I have learned so much and have searched for answers on the internet like no other.

When I started maintaining her Squarespace website it was a whole new territory I had to learn about. As I kept it maintained and edited it along the way I started to get asked, ‘how do you do that?’ and ‘could you work on my website’? I saw this as a great opportunity to show what I have learned by stumbling around in the dark. My vision is a place where guest bloggers and educators could share their top tips and tricks without you needing to take yet another long course (believe me I have taken enough for all of us at this point). At the end of the day aren’t we all just trying to make something pretty from the ground up without having the spend a fortune?!

Overall, I learned that you just need the basics when starting a site. A color scheme, a logo, maybe a tagline, and knowing what products or services you offer is the only thing you need. Have you thought of building the website of your dreams but don’t know where to get started? Let’s have a chat, contact me by clicking the button at the top of the webpage!  

Welcome to the latest adventure!


Selling on Social Media is the New Way of Marketing