Dominique Mantelli

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The Importance of Having a Website for Your Business

There are many entrepreneurs and small business owners who have a website but are not using it to market themselves. Why do you ask? Well, it is usually outdated or nonexistent. Think about it, people are selling on social media these days so why do you need a space on the web? Why do you need to have one more place to post things? The answer: SEO, professionality, and an easier place to streamline your business.

When I start talking about SEO you may roll your eyes or start to nod off a bit, but it really is important. Think about how many times you have typed something into google to find an answer. Just this morning I searched ‘How to Build Out Your Squarespace Website’ because while this is my business I genuinely want to learn from other people in my industry. SEO helps people like me find those specific blog posts that are talking about ‘how to’, ‘building’, and ‘Squarespace’. When you are writing blogs or just putting more information on your site you are creating more SEO for your business. People can find your website faster than the next person because you have more keywords out in the google universe. Another thing it shows is that you took the time to launch it online because you take your business seriously and want everyone else to see that too.

That leads me to the next point, professionality. When a customer sees that you took the time to put your site online it creates a different connection than following someone on Instagram or Facebook. The customer is interested in who you are and what your business provides for them. They view your business in a different light than if it was just on a social media platform. People can see the effort that was taken and the aesthetic that your brand wants to portray. Another bonus is that your site is more likely to pop up before your social media when typing it into google and you can put an abundance of information out there!

This leads me to my next point, streamlining your business. If your business requires scheduling, why not make it easy for someone to do that online. There is no reason why you should go back and forth with your customer on what time works for them and what time works for you. You could also be directing your customer to a link or blog post that answers the exact question they have instead of you spending your valuable time answering the question.

Finally, my favorite line that has been floating around the social media industry is “you don’t own your followers”. You must create a website for the purpose of your business. When you receive the customer’s email it builds your business and starts to create that list. No one can take this away from you. Instagram or Facebook could close their doors tomorrow and you would be left with only a handful of connections if you do not have any of their information. Getting this information is a great way to connect with them more one on one too, it is the key to long-lasting success.

If building a website seems daunting, this is where I come in. I would love to help you set up a website, teach you how to maintain it for future purposes and help start the process of streamlining your business. Contact me today for a free 30-minute consultation to see if I can help you!