But Is Paige Brunton Square Secrets Business Bundle Worth The Money??


Are you on the fence about purchasing one of Paige Brunton’s courses? Let me ask you a few questions, are you wanting to learn how to create a website in Squarespace without using any coding, do you want to make website design a business for yourself and do you like things to be extremely organized and detailed for you?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the short answer to the first question is abso-freaking-lutely! 

When I started building out my mom's Squarespace website I was googling a LOT.

By the way, if you haven't figured out that googling and watching youtube videos is the way to go then what are you waiting for?!

Anyway, I was googling and looking up YouTube videos to do some simple edits without needing to code and that is when Paige Brunton crossed my screen. I immediately was glued to the screen the way she easily explained how to create a blog in the 7.1 version of Squarespace and how to completely customize your Squarespace blog page. From there I went onto her Instagram and wouldn’t you know her course that only opened twice a year was opening! 

Is the course Square Secrets Business Bundle Worth The Money?

She was on Instagram promoting it, doing IG lives and stories. I believe I signed up for a webinar she hosted, still thinking I probably wouldn't sign up for her course. The YouTube videos and blogs she provided had so much great content, I didn’t feel that I needed to take the course. After the webinar, I was hooked. Hearing how she was structuring the course and the testimonials from past students sold me. Plus she offered a website review for the first however many people signed up so it made the price even more worth it for me. From there I needed to decide if I wanted the Paige Brunton Square Secrets Course or the bundle. The more I thought about it the more I realized that I could totally have a website design business on the side of my regular job! I was already building a website for my mom and I had been asked by a couple of other people if I could help create theirs too. I have to admit there was a sticker shock involved. The more I thought about it though the more I realized even if I only build someone's website 2 times that year, I could make up the money I was going to spend.


Do You Want To Make Website Design A Business For Yourself?

Deciding to create a website design business and knowing that I wanted to stick with Squarespace was what made me choose the Square Secrets Bundle. As I stated above, I already figured I wanted to create a website business on the side and I knew that the business portion of the course would help with that. Paige provides two courses, the Square Secrets Course and the Square Secrets Business Course. I knew the Square Secrets course would help me learn how to build a website fast. I was grateful she provided the backend workings of Squarespace like some analytic features to toggle on or off. 

One big thing that I loved about the Square Secrets Business Course was how many customizable templates and worksheets Paige provided. Two that I love to use are the Client Consultation Call Scripts and the Client Welcome Package Template. These two templates really take the thinking out of things. For consultation calls, I would write my questions out before jumping on the call, but I would still forget to ask certain things. Having the template helped me hit certain points and I’ve tweaked some questions so they work better for my clientele. As for the welcome package, I think it just makes things look more professional. Being able to share a welcome packet with your client shows you are serious about getting their project on your books.

The other reason this caught my eye was that she brought in other website developers, lawyers, and more to give guest lectures. These guest speakers made me realize that Paige isn’t trying to ‘gatekeep’ her resources or secrets. She wants to share them with her students and set you up with the confidence you will succeed in this industry. Pulling information from other leaders in the industry makes me feel that this course is 100% well-rounded. 

Creating a business for yourself can be scary but Paige takes a lot of that guesswork out of it. If you are confused about how to set up something correctly in Squarespace Paige probably has it laid out in the course. My favorite bonus is that you have lifetime access to this course. I actually try to make it a point to look at the course once a month to see if there were any changes. If Squarespace makes a big edit she updates her course to reflect that. Still can't find what you are looking for? Head on over to her YouTube channel where she creates videos frequently answering your Squarespace questions. Still, need help? Pop on over to Square Secrets™ & Square Secrets Business™ Course Community and you are basically getting free business and design advice 24/7. 


Are You Wanting To Learn How To Create A Website In Squarespace Without Using Any Coding?

The one thing I didn’t really want to do when I started helping my mom out with her website was coding! It honestly seems like a whole other language to me and that was something I wasn't about to learn. The big pull for us to go to Squarespace was the fact that you didn't need to learn to code to create a website that you loved. When I was looking up solutions for problems I was running into Paige and she always had an answer for me. When it was something that was out of Squarespace's control, she was able to provide an easy copy and paste code to get started. 

Paige also advertised her course in that same manner. No coding was necessary. That was another thing that caught my eye when I was deciding if I wanted to take her course or not. Knowing that she wasn’t about to teach me coding made me trust this course more. Paige also teaches you the ways to work around different problems you might run into when building your site rather than fixing it with code. If you can solve the problem in Canva first why not try that?

do you want to make website design a business for yourself? take paige bruntons square secrets business bundle

Another huge pull for me to take Paige’s Square Secrets Course was that she primarily focused on Squarespace. She never really mentioned another platform during the time I was following her videos, which made me trust her as an expert. There wasn’t a moment where I thought, “oh this doesn’t apply to me because I only use Squarespace.” 


Do You Like Things To Be Extremely Organized And Detailed For You?

I’m a fairly detailed and organized person. I always say “ a messy room is a messy mind” because I love things to have their places, it makes me feel calm. I’ve taken a LOT of courses and I usually get the ‘this course will take you blank hours to complete, but Paige broke it down! She told you how long each module would be, how much time you should expect to spend on homework for that lesson, everything! It made me feel like she got me, she knew that I loved organization as much as she did. 

Since I had watched Paige on YouTube I knew going into this course that we would be getting a lot of valuable information. Even in her videos, she provided so much detail that to me purchasing a course from her made me excited to learn what else she could teach me. When you are taking her Square Secrets Course her modules are laid out just about in the order you should build your site. Her Square Secrets Business Course is laid out as if you are entering into an agreement with a new client. She provides the first steps like the consult call and email templates to use. Then she moves into how you should structure the timeline of building the site, then moves into the final closing documents that the new website owner can take away with them. 

The final point that I want to make is that as stated before you have access to this course for your life. It may seem silly but I truly have a quarterly task on my Asana list just to go back and look at the course. Looking over the course helps refresh my mind or makes me think of new things. It’s like going back to the basics for me. 

Overall if you are on the fence about purchasing the Paige Brunton Square Secrets Business Bundle, my opinion is to get it. You truly won't regret it. Paige taught me so much about building a successful website design business and how to create beautiful websites. Without her course, you wouldn't see the website you see today. Plus you get your official Square Secrets Badge for whichever course you end up taking! 

I took Paige Bruntons Square Secrets Business Course and This is what I thought
I took Paige Bruntons Square Secrets Course and This is what I thought

If you have any other questions about her course let me know in the comments!


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