Dominique Mantelli

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5 Tips On How To Plan & Repurpose Social Media Content

Are you tired of creating new content (like a blog, or picture, or reels) for every platform? Let me give you 5 tips on how to plan and repurpose your content for the month! There is value in repurposing, trust me.

Today I was talking with a friend/small business owner who said, “ I just don’t know where to start or how I can balance creating something new for each day.” I laughed a bit because I’ve heard this over and over, but you don’t need to create something new each day. I always hear these tips for repurposing your content and saving time because I follow other social media creators or businesses who talk about this subject so I find them to be common knowledge. Really, it’s something that you as a business owner need to hear time and time again.

Saving your time and repurposing your content is exactly what you need to make your social media valuable and profitable.

Tip #1

The first tip I give people when I tell them to repurpose content is to pick two social platforms to repurpose your content on. There are so many social platforms out there it can really be overwhelming! I manage and create content for my Mom’s social media and I personally have stayed off of TikTok entirely. I’m not saying it’s a bad platform, but there are already too many things I’m trying to focus on, and adding more into that mix seems stressful. I have 3 main platforms for her, Instagram, Facebook, and now YouTube. She has Pinterest and LinkedIn, but I don’t spend nearly as much time as I do on those platforms as I do on her main three. Learn where your target audience may live, not only where you want to post your content. This is where communication with your audience comes in. I came up with YouTube as the third social platform by creating a poll over on Instagram stories to see if she should post her videos on YouTube rather than just Instagram and there was a resounding YES! I recommend picking only two for now but make sure it’s where your target audience lives.


Tip #2

Plan out what days things are being posted. By this I mean look at an actual calendar and see which platform you want to be present on with your social media accounts. Can you do only the weekends or would you rather spend your weekdays posting? Learn what days work for you and your ideal customers or clients. I like to keep a big whiteboard in my mom and I’s office to plan from Monday-Friday what we are posting. I like to give the weekends a break but I do schedule a Facebook post to come out on Saturdays (which I create and schedule during the week). Looking at a calendar whether it’s a whiteboard or even an Asana task calendar, can help you visualize which days are projected and where your repurposing can come in. Post your YouTube video on Monday then Friday, take a 15-second clip and post it to your reels on Instagram. Plan for it so when you go to post the video you also remember to take that clip. Think about how companies plan their Black Friday sale month. They must be strategic and look at a calendar to decide when the holiday is coming up and what content should be prior to that event or which content they can reuse during those sales events. They are constantly PLANNING their posts not just whipping them up the same day.

Tip #3

Try to write out or plan what content is being posted. This goes well with the point before, but you need to plan what pieces of content you want your followers to consume. It’s one thing to plan the days that content is going to be posted, but what information they read on your post is another thing. Let’s take social media managers for example. Do you want to teach your audience all about the platform’s algorithm that week or maybe a way that they can gain followers? The subject is up to you but keep in mind what your audience likes. This tip goes hand in hand with planning out your social posts on a calendar because you may want to plan your subjects around certain days or a national holiday. This leads me to my next example about my mom posting a reel for ‘national podcast day’. We were able to see on the calendar that, the holiday was coming up and plan the post content for that specific day. If you take anything away from this blog post it’s that planning your month is key!

 Tip #4

My next tip is to create something in a video format. Honestly, I feel that video has been highly underrated since this past year. All the social platforms have now come out and said that they are going to focus more on videos and while a lot of creators were excited, some were worried. A lot of people aren’t comfortable showing their face on video or don’t know what to say. This is where you can take the subject of your content and turn it around for video. Maybe you write a blog post and you can turn your blog post into a whole YouTube video, the post is your script! Another thing I’ve been doing recently is the opposite, I know that Instagram is putting a lot of weight into videos, but I don’t think they translate that well for a platform like LinkedIn. Recently I have been taking the captions I write for an Instagram reel and I’ll turn it into a post for LinkedIn instead. It pushes me to dive deeper into the topic and almost explain my reasoning to why I chose that audio or the text that goes over the video.

Tip #5

My final tip is to choose the topics that you want to talk about. Social media is all about selling. Whether we like it or not social media is a sales tool. However, is that what your customer is looking for? Customers love to see the inner workings of your business. The customers buy into your brand, not your product. It sounds crazy but if I learned anything during my time studying Fashion Merchandising it’s that your brand matters. Tell your audience more about you, not just your product. Maybe you sell clothing and that’s great, but you have two kids and are obsessed with matcha coffee. That is part of your brand! Every Monday you can have ‘Matcha Monday Talks’ and interview someone or show how you like to make your matcha. This can help your audience to remember you for something other than just your product or help you stand out a little more than the rest.

Ultimately, just be consistent on social media and have fun with it! Your joy and personality will shine through, remember there is only one you in the world. I hope these tips helped you, if so please leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

Your 5 Tips On How To Plan & Repurpose Social Media Content

  1. Pick 2 social platforms to repurpose your content on

  2. Plan your schedule of what days things are being posted

  3. Try to write out or plan what content is being posted

  4. Create something into a video format

  5. Choose the topics that you want to talk about

If you need any other social media help or want to start building your website on Squarespace let me know!